Air Force Materiel Command

  • Release date : 13.12.2022
  • Developer by : Crosby “Mac” Shaterian
  • Categories : Educational
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 3.5( 4 ranking)

Headquartered at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, the Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) manages installation and mission support, discovery and development, test and evaluation, and life cycle management services and sustainment for every major Air Force weapon system. AFMC employs nearly 89,000 military and civilian Airmen and manages $67 billion of budget authority.


Powering the world's greatest Air Force...We develop, deliver, support and sustain war-winning capabilities.

AFMC delivers war-winning expeditionary capabilities to the warfighter through development and transition of technology, professional acquisition management, exacting test and evaluation, and world-class sustainment of all Air Force weapon systems. From cradle-to-grave, AFMC provides the work force and infrastructure necessary to ensure the United States remains the world's most respected Air Force.


One AFMC--Collaborative, innovative, trusted and empowered...indispensable to our Nation, disruptive to our adversaries.

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Air Force Materiel Command
  • Developer User Id:FCCDDB8A-4BCC-44B8-935D-A78400EE6EA9
  • Channel Id:2fa47e7262ba0467fdf09000e2facbf7
  • Store Id:689778
  • Created Date:2022-12-07 18:48:46
  • Access Code:XHKJV6M
  • Channel Version Type:RDP



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