Bargain House Network

  • Release date : 30.08.2022
  • Developer by :
  • Categories : Educational
  • Languages : English, German
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 4.0( 2 ranking)

Bargain House Network is a 24/7 channel where a primary host and a local-area expert host review single-family homes, multi-family, commercial, and land opportunities to identify which may be a bargain. Every hour a specific location around the USA will be highlighted and potential deals will be reviewed from that location. By using a local-area expert, it is thought that viewers will be able to both gain increased confidence in the information provided and have more likely access to the same local source after the broadcast.

Each property featured on an episode will have a unique PIN number those viewers can then use to log into the Property Portal on the show website (for free) and find out more information about said property. New viewers will need to create a free account to view all the available properties in the Property Portal, but once there, will also have access to lenders, title companies, and contractors, and other evaluation tools (which may have an additional cost if used). Interested parties can complete the entire purchase or sale directly (Seller required to pay small listing fee).

The Bargain House Network is not the seller of any properties and does NOT provide any accounting, tax, financial, nor investment advice. Local area experts are qualified to review property details either because they are licensed real estate agents or are owners of a given property being reviewed on the show.

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Bargain House Network
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:A93C005B-5B1D-49A1-9990-9EED00A5DCE8
  • Channel Id:97304e307779e932dc1ecd5e8cf6aa39
  • Store Id:674017
  • Created Date:2022-08-16 10:36:31
  • Access Code:bargainhousenetwork
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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