Category5 TV Network

  • Release date : 03.04.2014
  • Developer by : Prodigy Digital Solutions
  • Categories : Sci & Tech
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 2.7( 7 ranking)

Category5 TV features shows such as: Category5 Technology TV - Free tech TV broadcast featuring Linux, Open Source, Cool Gadgets and More! A 1-hour live show every week, with all back-episodes available right here on Roku. More than a TV show; Category5 is an exciting, interactive community broadcast. | The Show Show - Join Robbie Ferguson as he shares years of Internet broadcasting experience to help get you started with webcasting. | New Every Day - Join Jenn Wagar and Carrie Webb as they sit down for a heart-to-heart discussion each week, addressing many of the issues women face in their day to day lives, and building your Christian faith and focus through relevant conversation. | Try It. Buy It. - A unique product review show, providing you a genuine, unbiased view of products that are available for purchase online. You'll get much more than just an unboxing or product review—Sasha provides a comprehensive look at each product she reviews. | Nature Sounds of Ontario Canada - Recorded in full-quality binaural stereo sound. Nothing added (no rookie pan flute, no subliminal messages), nothing taken away. We do our best to replicate the beauty of nature through sound recordings. Starring: Robbie Ferguson, Sasha Dirmeitis, Hillary Rumball, Jenn Wagar, Carrie Webb, Christa Wells, Kelsey Jensen and Erika Lalonde.

Category5 TV Network
  • Developer User Id:A3B7B9DE-6254-4E12-B74C-A24A007A58CA
  • Channel Id:ae91a5311ece5d192ab7b98f73796da9
  • Store Id:33132
  • Created Date:2013-10-01 14:39:39
  • Access Code:cat5tv
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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