DC Comic Universe

  • Release date : 18.06.2019
  • Developer by : Dash Media TV
  • Categories : Movies & TV
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 2.5( 27 ranking)

The DC Universe (DCU) is the fictional shared universe where most stories in American comic book titles published by DC Comics take place. DC superheroes such as Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are from this universe, and it also contains well known supervillains such as Lex Luthor, the Joker and Darkseid.

The basic concept of the DC Universe is that it is just like the real world, but with superheroes and supervillains existing in it. However, there are other corollary differences resulting from the justifications implied by that main concept. Many fictional countries, such as Qurac, Vlatava, and Zandia, exist in it. Though stories are often set in the United States of America, they are as often as not set in fictional cities, such as Gotham City or Metropolis. These cities are effectively archetypes of cities, with Gotham City embodying more of the negative aspects of life in a large city, and Metropolis reflecting more of the positive aspects. Sentient alien species (such as Kryptonians and Thanagarians) and even functioning interstellar societies are generally known to exist, and the arrival of alien spacecraft is not uncommon.

Technologies which are only theoretical in the real world, such as artificial intelligence or are outright impossible according to modern science, such as faster-than-light travel, are functional and reproducible, though they are often portrayed as highly experimental and difficult to achieve. Demonstrable magic exists and can be learned.

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DC Comic Universe
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:A8EC4D18-F482-4A3A-93AB-A81801443AA9
  • Channel Id:db3f08ffbc19c7715f84c453ce9b0317
  • Store Id:294945
  • Created Date:2019-06-18 02:34:24
  • Access Code:DCComics
  • Channel Version Type:RDP



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