
  • Release date : 28.02.2023
  • Developer by : VlogBox, Inc.
  • Categories : Kids & Family
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States
  • Roku Ranking : 4.8( 9 ranking)

Four brave friends — Ikor, Riff, Eron, and Trek, are the defenders of Gorm Island. Riff — the guardian of Fire, fights for the future of Gorm, Ikor — the Ice guardian, is really threatening, Trek — the guardian of Rock, is calm and one of the strongest, and Eron — the Wind guardian, is always ready to laugh and finds creative solutions for every difficult situation they find themselves in.
Their magical island is under threat from cruel enemies — the Darkans. The Gormiti are destined to rescue the citizens of Gorm and defeat the invaders. One Tower is the home of Gorm defenders, the Gormiti. When Riff, Ikor, Trek, and Eron find the Tower, the old prophecy comes true — the Darkans are back. The four brave friends become the new Heralds of the island, and have to call the Gormiti to win the war through battles and other challenges.
This series is great to develop kids' imaginations, giving them knowledge about good and evil and a sense of justice. The adventures and battles of four little warriors will captivate young viewers and let them delve into the magical world of challenges. The story of these four strong and brave guardians from different realms is sure to become the new favorite series of every child from the first episode.

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  • Developer User Id:4C5B05F7-DC18-46DF-AA73-D3BB3F80CB08
  • Channel Id:63f7c3111b254131591ac495e018f0bd
  • Store Id:701747
  • Created Date:2023-02-24 14:42:54
  • Access Code:9GNPDRX
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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