Guitar Lessons

  • Release date : 01.11.2022
  • Developer by : DenRocke
  • Categories : Educational
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 2.0( 13 ranking)

Learning to play the guitar is going to drastically change Your life. When you can play one of your favorite songs it will lift you up and be proud of yourself.

When learning to play the guitar there are life lessons to be learned. Video yourself from day one, then when you watch the video after learning the guitar for a few months compare it with the early ones. What you have learned in those few months will give you a sense of accomplishment.

Learning guitar will teach you how to break a task down into the tiniest pieces and you will realize you can do this for any task in life. Learning how to play the guitar is an exercise on how not to give up and you will keep working until you have nailed it.

Country music – Country music is loved in all over the world especially America and is given accolades in Europe. One remarkable thing about country music is that it isn’t stagnant. Country music keeps evolving and getting better over time.
Classical music - Classical music the origin of which can be traced to the early western and middle age periods.

Classical music is one of the most popular music genres in the world.

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Guitar Lessons
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  • Developer User Id:914EBB82-390C-46C8-B556-A3B900C8C60B
  • Channel Id:a89ef1a36fe4175d545cc2c2e13fdc92
  • Store Id:682439
  • Created Date:2022-10-28 09:47:40
  • Access Code:X6NKVRM
  • Channel Version Type:RDP



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