High SciFi

  • Release date : 06.01.2020
  • Developer by : smartlinetv
  • Categories : Film & TV
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 2.1( 7 ranking)

Imagine you have to make a difficult choice between adventure, action, and science-fiction. Although it may be a piece of cake for someone, you do not feel at ease picking just one of your favorite genres, do you? In fact, there’s no need to limit oneself at all. Action, sci-fi, and adventure coexist quite naturally in the imaginary worlds of Murania and Atlantis, as well as a mad scientist’s secret laboratory.
Muraneans are a highly developed underground nation, whose evolution brought them to the discovery of television and ray guns. Having been hiding beneath the ground for many years in a row, they are now threatened by the human invaders. Gene Autrey is ought to end up the war beneath his Radio Ranch while hosting his radio show.
The next stop is Atlantis. A group of two young people and a professor aboard a rocket submarine tend to find the lost continent. But when they finally reach the undersea kingdom, it becomes apparent that the entire nation is torn by war. Fearing for their lives, the travelers seek a way to escape and it seems that a tower of Atlantis is a good idea.
Moving on to a mad scientist, whose secret lab is full of inventions that can destroy the existing world order, we are to warn you that this story is a spine-shivering one.
So, what will you choose – “Phantom Empire,” “Undersea Kingdom,” or “The Phantom Creeps”?
Go to High SciFi and watch any movie that suits your fancy!

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High SciFi
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:abe56503-2171-11ea-b29e-0242ac110006
  • Channel Id:d5108ff6b48a8efa0dd5c598b0b8607a
  • Store Id:574812
  • Created Date:2019-12-20 07:33:53
  • Access Code:X6H5ZX9
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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