Horaci The Inuit

  • Release date : 12.01.2023
  • Developer by : VlogBox, Inc.
  • Categories : Kids & Family
  • Languages : English, German
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 0.0( 0 ranking)

Horaci The Inuit is an animated app describing the immersive life of a little boy, Horaci, and his family in the frozen North. This 6-minute per-episode engaging and educational cartoon enthralls kids aged 3-5 and shows the unity between humans and nature.
This animation is unique because of the location it takes place in. We have got used to watching heroes’ journeys, occurring in a four-seasoned climate where the scenes might be smoothly changing from sunny days through to rain and then snow. Horaci proudly represents the Inuit people and shows what it is like to live in a cold, frosty and continually-snow-covering land.
Horaci doesn’t go through his daily adventures alone. They wouldn’t be so exciting without his reliable and caring friend Sedna and his polar bear. Horaci and Sedna are always at the heart of the drama. Their creativity and quick-wittedness help them find solutions to support others when they are needed.
Like any other kid, Horaci sometimes gets into trouble and this is when his family comes to help. He loves his family; he is very attentive to his grandfather’s stories, obedient when his mom tells him what to do, and curious when his dad gives him advice. Watching this animated series, kids will learn a lot about family values and friendship.
Interested in how Horaci spends his days having fun and adventures on the snowy lands? Join Horaci The Inuit right now and enjoy every episode.

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Horaci The Inuit
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:4C5B05F7-DC18-46DF-AA73-D3BB3F80CB08
  • Channel Id:6cb1e01944fd7c0b1a1330fce79bf946
  • Store Id:692211
  • Created Date:2022-12-30 12:44:42
  • Access Code:G5GXV2G
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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