Melrose Heights Magazine & TV

  • Release date : 07.11.2022
  • Developer by : TvStartup Inc.
  • Categories : Movies & TV
  • Languages : English, German
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 2.5( 2 ranking)

Melrose Heights Magazine & TV is an L.A.-focused, TV channel offering in-depth interviews with the people that make L.A. a world-class city. MHM covers everything L.A.–Hollywood to Education, Health to Travel–and much more. We demonstrate both depth and breadth of Los Angeles culture, showcasing the latest events in art, fashion, and entertainment and an inside look at the Angelenos giving back to their communities. Join us today and subscribe. Our goal is always to keep you informed about what's happening here in Los Angeles, but also around the world - and we realize that sometimes it's easier for people to consume information when they're watching a video instead of reading it. We want everyone who wants access to this kind of information, on topics such as fashion and art (and many others!), available at their fingertips whenever they want it! A fashion network to voice all talent and experiences that are held high in Hollywood. We intend to interview artists to speak about their experiences and broadcast their talent to inspire others. 2. Channeling fashion and beauty while nurturing Hollywood talent by offering a Hollywood platform to express and share values of different cultures amongst people networking around the globe.3. Styling your way in Hollywood, ease into the fashion network when you have the opportunity to broadcast your talent in the most stylish way possible.

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Melrose Heights Magazine & TV
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:0f3b9d09-dcf3-11ea-b20a-0242ac11000b
  • Channel Id:e6cb2de7edc6da926f700ff2adf7d781
  • Store Id:679120
  • Created Date:2022-09-29 18:28:24
  • Access Code:9J6GPRT
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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