Muslim TV - MTA International

  • Release date : 19.06.2013
  • Developer by : MTA International
  • Categories : Religious
  • Languages : English, French, German
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France
  • Roku Ranking : 4.2( 18 ranking)

MTA was the brainchild of Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifat-ul-Masih IV ra, and ever since its inception MTA has been a unique channel in many respects. Its focus lies in producing programs that can be enjoyed by people of all ages at all times. It recognizes that television plays a significant role in the world and has accordingly devoted itself to applying this influence positively for the purpose of educating its viewers. MTA’s future is not dependent upon commercial sponsorship's or license fees, thus allowing it to concentrate on producing a variety of programs on a range of subjects for its viewers in all parts of the world, without sacrificing standards. A wide spectrum of topics is covered on Muslim Television Ahmadiyya. Discussion programs and in depth documentaries touch upon political, social and religious issues. MTA has a global audience and the vast array of programs ranging from wildlife to cooking to computing are regularly broadcast to cater for different tastes and interests. There are also numerous specialized programs. MTA considers education to be the right of all and not just the privileged few, and this is reflected in our educational programs on health, science and technology. MTA Sciences promote the study of traditional methodologies, such as homoeopathy, as well as encouraging modern research. For channel schedule please go to

Muslim TV - MTA International
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:8b148708-4913-4f31-95b8-9fe80060340a
  • Channel Id:c87ccffa04408116c1d27722ff2169c1
  • Store Id:18865
  • Created Date:2012-09-28 16:04:42
  • Access Code:MTAInternational
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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