Petticoat Junction Vol.5

  • Release date : 04.03.2019
  • Developer by : NomNom.Media
  • Categories : Movies & TV
  • Languages : English, Spanish
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Brazil
  • Roku Ranking : 3.7( 3 ranking)

Meet the adorable Bradleys – widow Kate, the owner of the rural Shady Rest Hotel and her family! Billie Jo, Betty Jo, and Bobbie Jo are the beautiful young ladies, the daughters of Kate’s, who help her manage the business. Moreover, there’s Joe Carson, the Bradleys’ close relative, who tends to generate out-of-this-world hotel promotion ideas, the majority of which are ill-conceived. Despite that, Kate never loses her sense of humor and faces all the upheavals with a smile.
Petticoat Junction is the exact sort of the situation comedy that brings you joy and leaves a positive impression after you’ve watched it. Much of the show also depicts the Hooterville Cannonball, which used to be a steam-driven train and is now being used as a taxi service. This kind of a taxi is operated by Charley Pratt, the engineer, and Floyd Smoot, the conductor.
If you are willing to discover more about the goings-on of Petticoat Junction and its dwellers, then you should pay a visit to our free-of-charge movie channel, Petticoat Junction Vol.5. It features the culminating episodes of this American long-running TV show, preserved in the original quality.
Your journey to the distant spot starts with a single mouse click… Press play to enjoy the movie!

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Petticoat Junction Vol.5
  • Developer User Id:426317AA-AF06-4AD3-B7FE-ECE33FD572A9
  • Channel Id:6f27dd5b408f9c999258300e19597683
  • Store Id:277039
  • Created Date:2019-03-01 10:43:17
  • Access Code:VC9ZP2Z
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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