Play and Study with Om Nom

  • Release date : 31.10.2022
  • Developer by : VlogBox, Inc.
  • Categories : Kids & Family
  • Languages : English, German
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 3.0( 2 ranking)

Dive into amazing adventures with curious, kind, clumsy, funny, energetic and friendly character!

His curiosity keeps him busy and his kindness attracts new friends and compels him to fight evil and protect the weak. Wherever Om Nom finds himself, he examines his surroundings, makes faithful friends, and protects the weak, defeats evil and captures everyone’s hearts.

Om Nom is first and foremost perceived as a playful little friend that kids relate to and want to make friends with.

Om Nom is very kind and he would do anything to help someone in need. Om Nom would never stand idle if someone were in trouble or being bullied — he would jump in to help!

Om Nom is curious. He loves investigating and jumps at the chance of examining anything he hasn’t seen before, even the tiniest of things. He also loves to taste new foods.

Om Nom can never sit still. He’s always climbing all over everything, running around and getting into adventures.

He wants to meet and make friends with everyone. He’s always trying to get in on the game, be social and have fun.

He might fall if he’s climbing something, drop a plate whilst putting it away, or knock stuff over when he’s running.

Om Nom is up for any new adventure, loves getting in the game, and is always happy, even about insignificant things.

Laugh and learn with Om Nom, start watching all available seasons now!

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Play and Study with Om Nom
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:4C5B05F7-DC18-46DF-AA73-D3BB3F80CB08
  • Channel Id:ae689e176d0749dc292061335563f935
  • Store Id:679762
  • Created Date:2022-10-04 06:47:08
  • Access Code:RGJP5DG
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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