
  • Release date : 19.01.2023
  • Developer by :
  • Categories : Sports
  • Languages : English, German
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 0.0( 0 ranking)

ProFileSports.TV provides sports content, delivering sports videos from games played by youth and amateur adults. Rather than professional athletes or college games. ProFileSports showcases the littles just starting out - on up to JUCO or Dad’s men’s league tournaments.

ProFileSport.TV aims to inspire and educate athletes of all ages and skill levels to improve their skills by watching their own performance. Feeling like the superstars of their imagination as they watch and share their games with family and friends. Fans near and far will use the channel for college recruiting, others for team fund-raising. Brands can reach a highly engaged loyal audience who watch their games multiple times, so ads are seen repeatedly.

PFS.TV apps, and channels provide a safe way to watch from anywhere when social distancing is advised. Historically, sports is the only industry that has continued to grow through good times and bad. Even during the Great Depression, audiences turned to sports.
ProFileSports.TV seeks to quench that never-ending thirst for healthy competition that only sports can satisfy. The world now has a wider selection of games to play and way to watch. ProFileSports’ automated technologies, crowd-sourcing and aggregation of inspiring sports documentaries and motivating sports movies will inspire and provide a safe environment, free of inappropriate ads or political content. PFS.TV is THE channel dedicated to only sports for wholesome, family-friendly entertainment.

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  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:A93C005B-5B1D-49A1-9990-9EED00A5DCE8
  • Channel Id:76f5244406f400f4f4855271c5612260
  • Store Id:690269
  • Created Date:2022-12-12 08:39:24
  • Access Code:ProFileSportsTV
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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