Relax My Dog - TV and Music

  • Release date : 17.05.2016
  • Developer by : Roundwaves
  • Categories : Apps
  • Languages : English, French, Spanish
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama
  • Roku Ranking : 4.2( 5 ranking)

Relax My Dog are experts in creating relaxing music to help calm your dog and help dogs to sleep. If you dog has sleeping problems, anxiety problems or is stressed during fireworks and thunderstorms, you should try our music and watch your dog relax before your eyes! Console whimpering puppies, minimise separation anxiety, reduce hyperactivity, help during crate training, minimise fear of thunderstorms, stop unwanted barking, comfort sick or injured dogs and calm your dog on car journeys - Relax my Dog does it all!

Our music is composed in-house by our team of producers, and uses sound sweep technology designed to relax and calm your dog, helping to calm and soothe your dog or puppy in a variety of situations. Relax My Dog's sound sweep technology is the high pitched noise that runs through a lot of our melodies. The sound sweep in our music is designed the same as a dog whistle - to hold your dogs attention to the music.

Sleep Music Playlist:

Relax My Dog’s music is unique, and will help in a variety of situations as a substitute for medication. We have helped thousands of dogs and puppies worldwide to sleep and reduce their anxiety. Music therapy for your dog can keep them calm, happy and healthy, and it is a great way to rehabilitate rescue dogs - or just get your puppy or dog used to their new home.

Being re-homed is an incredibly stressful time for dogs - as they have to get used to a lot of different sights and sounds, as well as their new family.

Relax My Dog - TV and Music
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:CE7D0C89-5BF8-4FE2-BC89-A624004DA4A3
  • Channel Id:63f1a3b12dfb5a15d12e66fde5fe5d05
  • Store Id:90598
  • Created Date:2016-05-12 13:14:38
  • Access Code:relaxmydog
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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