TEN - Teach Every Nation

  • Release date : 14.12.2021
  • Developer by : Lightcast.com
  • Categories : Religious
  • Languages : English, German
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 0.0( 0 ranking)

Teach Every Nation (TEN) is a globally-focused disciple-making movement. Founded by Bruce Wilkinson in 2013, TEN equips pastors and leaders to grow the Christian church to transform their communities and nations. The hearts, minds and hands of the local pastor are vital for the spiritual health and growth of every nation.

To scale to the global training need, TEN has a strategy to bring life-changing training to the local church, including the pastor, leaders and congregation.

Biblical, cross-cultural and practical courses are provided by global experts in multiple languages through diverse delivery platforms. TEN curriculum focuses on personal life change - facilitated through both spiritual and skills development, as well as a deep Biblical understanding.

Course topics include effective communication, leadership, Bible study, business and finance, Christian living, community building, Bible survey, church development, spiritual disciplines and Bible doctrine.

Students, from diverse cultures and denominational backgrounds, and ranging from youth to seminary professors, use the same word to describe the impact of TEN courses: “Lifechanging!”

Join the movement to transform the thinking, skills and hearts of pastors and disciple-makers in every nation! Anybody can become a TEN student - see TENcourses.org.

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TEN - Teach Every Nation
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:A93C005B-5B1D-49A1-9990-9EED00A5DCE8
  • Channel Id:0855793dfdad25cf5e0d4c62b3362798
  • Store Id:645159
  • Created Date:2021-11-16 13:59:03
  • Access Code:teacheverynation
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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