The Flame of Legends

  • Release date : 30.09.2019
  • Developer by : NomNom.Media
  • Categories : Movies & TV
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 4.6( 264 ranking)

A drama that exists in a movie is more comfortable to be through. Do you agree?
Admit it; you are more likely to stay cold-blooded when looking at somebody else’s turmoil rather than going through a difficult situation all by yourself. Or not?
We’d say that it depends. You may feel relatable to a story you’ve already been through; although, a situation you have never experienced might find no echo in your soul. One thing is for sure: be it a “based on a true story” film or someone’s fantasy, it will turn heads.
In the wake of our quest for the most appealing movies, we were guided by the principle “Evoke the emotion.” Maybe that is why The Flame of Legends can be characterized as a dramatic but captivating channel. To make sure you get the best-in-class vintage drama films, we went all-out selecting the entries from scratch. Based on user reviews and official ratings, our collection now includes 15 black-and-white films. Bird of Paradise, Ghosts, Five Minutes to Love, Go for Broke, A Farewell to Arms to name just a few.
If you want to break free from daily and immerse in the screening, feeling for the main characters, welcome to The Flame of Legends. Iconic movies for free and the truth of life before your eyes – do you need anything else to feel connected? Open the channel now and find out!

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The Flame of Legends
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:426317AA-AF06-4AD3-B7FE-ECE33FD572A9
  • Channel Id:166e2558da69e4f9bfe76d5e76e2ed08
  • Store Id:562152
  • Created Date:2019-09-27 08:44:29
  • Access Code:CNR9VLK
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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