The New Frontier

  • Release date : 12.01.2023
  • Developer by : VlogBox, Inc.
  • Categories : Educational
  • Languages : English, German
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 2.8( 5 ranking)

The New Frontier is a scientific series where astronomers and program makers have used cutting-edge technology to investigate our solar system and the universe beyond. It consists of 4 seasons, with the most recent launched in 2022. Each season contains 10 episodes, each lasting 30 minutes.
Humankind has been left with many unanswered questions about what might affect the healthy life cycle of our own planet. The New Frontier documentary attempts to discover some of the answers using real-time space exploration. It introduces a great deal of significant information about our galaxy and the stars, their behavior, and their possible impact on Earth.
Our own solar system is incredibly vast. There are so many things to learn about it and space tech is becoming increasingly helpful in uncovering more and more evidence.
Astronauts and robots go on successful missions in the series. The space travelers are committed to reaching the red planet Mars, while taking probes of asteroids and comets. Their living conditions in the spacecraft are difficult, but they have undertaken the journey for humanity's sake. They are striving to find answers to previously unexplained questions and robots, telescopes, and satellites have become their allies in this quest.
This is a big challenge for the human race and, simultaneously, a significant chain of discoveries. What is still left undiscovered beyond the Earth’s orbit? Join The New Frontier channel and learn more about our universe.

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The New Frontier
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:4C5B05F7-DC18-46DF-AA73-D3BB3F80CB08
  • Channel Id:bcc60176bd969bb1e04c92d45b02dbb6
  • Store Id:690889
  • Created Date:2022-12-16 13:49:04
  • Access Code:6KQRJGJ
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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