TVS Travel Video Store

  • Release date : 14.01.2016
  • Developer by :
  • Languages : English
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Roku Ranking : 3.6( 1,418 ranking) was formed in 2003 on the concept of creating a single destination where travelers could go to find a large selection of travel videos to help them plan and look forward to an upcoming vacation. We were the first to offer free video sample clips as well as a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all of our films. Since that time, has become a popular destination for: --Teachers - looking to add destination films to their classes to broaden their students understanding of the world around us. --Libraries - that are seeking to build or increase their selection of travel videos as many patrons are booking and planning their vacations themselves. --Travel Agents - enhancing on their destination expertise, building their own internal library of travel films that they rent or loan out to their customers as well as travel films that include the public performance rights for them to use in their sales presentations. Also, travel videos make great appreciation gifts for their customers as they help them plan, build excitement and be more prepared for their upcoming trip. --Senior Center Activity Directors - that look to offer travel nights for their guests. --Church Groups - seeking to add an understanding of the world we all belong to with their parishioners. --Hospitals/Doctors Offices/Professional Offices - adding travel videos for their waiting rooms.

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TVS Travel Video Store
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:A93C005B-5B1D-49A1-9990-9EED00A5DCE8
  • Channel Id:044d4704dd192fb8c71ba0dd379f8b02
  • Store Id:67247
  • Created Date:2015-08-20 12:13:49
  • Access Code:TravelVideoStore
  • Channel Version Type:SDK
