VideoMeister - Play any video file on your Roku

  • Release date : 20.05.2021
  • Developer by : MeisterApps BV
  • Categories : Personal Media
  • Languages : English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German
  • Countries : United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Brazil
  • Roku Ranking : 5.0( 2 ranking)

Use this app to cast any video file to your Roku TV.

Depending on your TV and our transcoding and muxing magic, you can play all kinds of different video file formats like mp4, m4v, mov, webm, mpg, mp2, avi, wmv, mkv, etc. etc.

If your TV is 4K, you can play 4K videos, if not, you need to resort to 1080p or 720p.

To use the app, make sure your Mac is connected to the same network as your TV. Upon launch, the app scans your home network and will find your Roku TV. After that, just drag and drop a video file in the designated area and it will start on TV.

Some ideas for what you can do with this app:
- Play that wedding video which is still in mpeg2 format on your Roku TV
- Cast your DJI drone videos on your Roku Stick
- Stream your Go Pro skiing movies on your Roku Player!

If you have any files that you cannot play on your TV, please let us know about it, so we can work on support for your missing combination. Send us an e-mail at [email protected].

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VideoMeister - Play any video file on your Roku
  • Developer Privacy Url: Privacy Policy
  • Developer User Id:464403f4-0634-11ea-895d-0242ac110006
  • Channel Id:f9f1a6cd46e13aa603c5c4cef5ec9698
  • Store Id:629181
  • Created Date:2021-04-19 10:25:22
  • Access Code:RJQJVVR
  • Channel Version Type:SDK



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